32 Weeks

32 weeks down, 8 more weeks to go. I can’t really describe the mixed feelings I have right now. As a first time mom-to-be, being in this situation can be both overwhelming and nerve-wracking. But above and beyond all this, I’m just really happy and grateful. Happy and grateful that God entrusted me this great blessing called a baby.

me at 32 weeks

I’m also glad that our baby is getting bigger, healthier and more active inside my womb. I always look forward to his waking hours when he moves like a very energetic little boy. I, along with the hubby, try to spend more time with him each day. Normally, we bond with the baby during nighttime when he’s almost always awake and ready to mingle with us.

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23 Weeks Pregnant Belly

This is the first time I’m posting a picture of my pregnant belly on this blog. (I’m at 23 weeks today.) As much as I want to document each week, I can’t. My mom and my MIL are both against it (sort of a superstitious belief for them). But I thought one or two pictures won’t hurt, so I took this yesterday…


It’s quite big already, yes? When I was in the first trimester, I impatiently waited for my baby bump to start showing. Now I can’t even keep up as my pregnant belly grows bigger and bigger each day. Whenever I walk on the street on my way to work, people keep asking me how old my belly is or when my due date will be. It seems they, too, are excited for the arrival of the actual baby.

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Gift from God

Married couples have different priorities. While some wish to have babies right after the wedding, others plan their lives based on other important factors like career, emotional preparedness and financial independence, etc. As with the hubby and I, we want to have a baby this year or the next. For us, it’s the right timing before we could start planning on realizing our other joint goals in life.

For us, babies are a gift from God. It’s not some gift or prize that you receive when you’ve done something good. It’s more of a gift from the one above that is given to those who seek, for them to cherish forever. I don’t know with you but I always get thrilled by the thought of having our baby someday.

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