More Travels, Please

Traveling is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things to do. Not only does it allow you to see new places and meet new people, but it also broadens your perspective on just about everything. Did I mention it’s kind of liberating, too? Whenever I travel, I feel so free. It’s like I can do anything (so long as it’s legal!) without worry.

Traveling is a serious matter for me. I know that once ruined, the memories attached to a travel will be etched in the heart forever. The mistakes committed can never be undone. It’s not like shopping where you could return defective items, say a dress with a missing button or a bumbleride indie stroller without wheels. Traveling is something that has to be taken seriously.

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Goal No. 4: Travel to 10 Local Destinations

If there’s one thing the boyfriend and I have in common, it’s our love for travel. Actually, it’s not just that. We both love to visit new places, try new things and meeting new people. Once he said to me that when we have settled down (ehem), we’ll spend the first two years of our marriage sans kids. Instead of finding me pregnant with our first born and he working his ass off to save money for my delivery, we’ll go to as many places we’d love to visit. I doubt if it’s still gonna be the case by then especially now that our parents are already convincing us to get married soon and produce their first grandchild right after.

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