GM Diet, Day 4

GM Diet Day-by-Day Account: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

Today, January 25, 2013, is my Day 4 on the GM Diet. I’m halfway through the challenge and I feel good about it! But first things first…

Here’s what Day 4 says:

Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities.

Day 4 Weight: 135 lbs. (lost 4 lbs. since Day 1)
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GM Diet, Day 3

GM Diet Day-by-Day Account: Day 1, Day 2

Today, January 24, 2013, is my Day 3 on the GM Diet. Two days of dieting isn’t a joke. My body is new to all the diet changes I had introduced and I have to admit I felt weak the past two days. Blame that to the lack of carbohydrates which give us energy. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I”ll make sure to see the end of this diet challenge.

Here’s what Day 3 is all about:

Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

Day 3 Weight: 136 lbs. (lost 3 lbs. since Day 1)
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GM Diet, Day 2

GM Diet Day-by-Day Account: Day 1

I survived Day 1! 🙂

Yes, you read that right. I followed the recommended diet sans deviations. I’m so proud of myself! The challenge continues today, January 23, 2013, my Day 2 on the GM Diet.

Here’s what Day 2 says:

Day Two All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.

Day 2 Weight: 137.5 (lost 1.5 lbs. since Day 1)
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GM Diet, Day 1

This is the first time I’m following a diet plan and documenting about it. The name is General Motors Diet or simply GM Diet. (Try googling it and you’ll see a lot of sites talking about it, recommendations, reviews, tips and all.) Basically, it’s a 7-day diet plan originally designed for General Motors Corporation employees to stay in shape and has become quite popular over the years. I would find out later, though, that the GM claim isn’t true. It’s actually more of a modified version of the cabbage soup diet. But I digress.

I first found out about the GM Diet from a blog I visited yesterday. Now, what has made me decide to take on this diet challenge? I have several strong reasons:

1. The food required are all healthy and readily available.
2. The diet plan claims to achieve a weight loss ranging from 10 to 17 lbs, if complemented with exercise.
3. It’s also a sort of “detoxifying” diet.
4. I’ve decided to take my weight loss goal more seriously.
5. This is my first try to follow a diet plan. If it ends up a failure, I’ll just charge it to experience. Haha.
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A Job Dilemma

If you’re no longer happy with your job, would you find a new one? It’s a tough question. More so if you’ve been used to doing the work you do, the compensation package and the other perks that go with it. It’s a sad fact that it’s hard to get a job these days. If you’re stuck in a job that no longer brings out the best in you, inspires you or gives you a sense of fulfillment, would you decide to give it up and look for another one?

There are many reasons why people become unhappy with their jobs. It could be the harsh working conditions, the bosses, the people you work with or the complexity of the job itself. But there are also an equal number of reasons why people have to hold on to their jobs. Arriving at a decision, therefore, is equally hard and requires an intensive assessment of the pro’s and con’s.

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10th Month

It’s our 10th month as husband and wife today. So far, so good. In our fairly short time as a married couple, the hubby and I have been through a lot already. With this, somehow I’m confident that we can overcome any challenge or obstacle that life may throw at us.


Two more months and it’s gonna be our first wedding anniversary! We’ve been blessed with a happy marriage, loving family, caring friends, stable jobs, and good health. We really can’t ask for more with the life we have now. We may have failed in our quest to build our own little family last year, but we still have this year and the coming ones to try again. In God’s time, our family dream will come true.

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