Remembering Remember Me

I watched Remember Me with my boyfriend last night on DVD. If you’re a fan of Robert Pattinson, this one’s for you. More than my admiration for Robert Pattinson, I liked the movie because of its message of love and hope and optimism.

Photo from

Basically, the movie is about two people with different perspectives in life who crossed paths and fell in love. It is set in the summer of 2001 in New York City. The plot is somewhat cliché with its family issues and drama but you’ll be surprised with the twist in the end.

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Battling Cough and Cold

I don’t feel good today. Actually, it’s ever since last week. My cough and cold remains active with no hint of disappearing anytime soon. I fight with them by drinking lots and lots of fluids and taking a daily dose of Vitamin C.

As much as possible, I try not to depend on medicines to get better. I think the last over-the-counter drug I bought was Ascof Lagundi and it was like, months ago? The poor cough syrup was not effective on me, though. I ended up producing more phlegm than usual which led to longer recovery.

Battling with cough and cold is hard. But at least I only get sick once or twice a year and they’re just simple ones like fever, cough and cold. In my seven years of stay in the city, I have not been hospitalized yet. God knows I never want this to happen, not even once. I absolutely dread hospitals. I know most people do.

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Know Me

This blog is going to be my personal outlet in cyber space to document my awesome existence in the city of Manila, the city of dreams. I started living here in 2003, right after I landed my first job. I still have vivid memories of that period. Fast forward to 2010, I’m still here and enjoying every second of my life.

Life in Manila is anything but easy. I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs the past years. But I’m not the type of person who’s fond of complaining and sulking in the corner whenever I feel down. I’m more of the type who lives life to the fullest and rises above difficulties no matter what.

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