On Gratefulness

I have to admit there are times when I forget to be grateful for the blessed life I happen to have. This is especially true when good things keep coming into my life. I tend to get overwhelmed and preoccupied and eventually, feel a sense of guilt. Somehow, I feel that by forgetting to show gratitude, I am letting God down. For is it not from Him that everything I get to have in this life come from?

Image Source: http://www.littlemiracles.com.au/blog/speaking-life/the-importance-of-gratitude

Is it just me or does this happen to you as well? That’s why I thought of saying thanks first thing in the morning and before closing my eyes at night. Sometimes, I feel that it’s insincere, though. Or pilit lang. Recently, I’ve decided to say thank you to God whenever I feel like it and wherever I may be. Aside from the basics (e.g. life, family, marriage, job, food, shelter, clothing, etc.), it could be for a simple task I finished, a surprise I received (like this one time when I got a cute little ring from my brother similar to those class rings from joyjewelers.com), a small favor I got from someone, a big blessing that came my way, a kind comment from a blog reader, or just about anything that has made me happy. I like how it’s spontaneous and genuine. No pretensions, no exaggerations. No routines, no timing.

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Happiness is Everywhere

When you’ve experienced being me, or at least get to experience the tragedies I have experienced in the past (not that they were too many), you’ll find it hard to be happy all the time. You see, I still get sad every time I think about my previous loss but I know I can’t be sad forever.

I know I just need to find reasons to be thankful and happy. I’m glad I always find a lot. I know I’m still very blessed. I know that every day, God gives me enough reasons to live my life happily and without regrets.

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