Chocolate Temptation

When I got pregnant, I tried avoiding caffeine because it’s a stimulant and could cause low birth weight and some birth defects to the baby if taken in high amounts. While my Ob-Gyne didn’t prohibit me from consuming caffeine, she did advise me to limit its intake. She even said that I could drink coffee and tea or eat a chocolate bar once in a while so I don’t totally lose my appetite/craving for caffeine.

To be on the safer side, I actually avoided caffeine during my entire first semester. But when I entered my second, I lost control. I started taking caffeine but in moderation. I still don’t drink coffee, tea and cola, though. I just eat chocolate-y food once a week, sometimes even lesser than that.

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Coffee or Tea?

I always choose tea. If I’m craving for iced coffee with lots of milk, then that’s the only time I prefer having coffee over tea. I dunno but unlike many people I know who can’t live without getting their caffeine fix on a daily basis, I can survive days and weeks and years without coffee.

It must be because I did not grow up drinking coffee. It’s funny because both of my parents did. Until now, their mornings and afternoons aren’t complete without coffee. Even my brother has shared this coffee addiction during his college years. I remember he would drink gallons of coffee when he was still working on their group thesis. He was thin then and his face was pimply because of stress and lack of sleep. It was a good thing he found some miracle acne soap to clear his acne-infested face before it was too late. But I digress.

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