Why a Man’s Voice Matter (To Women, At Least)

One thing that attracts women to men is the voice. A man’s voice does not only add a lot to his masculinity, but also to his character as a person. Men think of the same about a woman’s voice, don’t they?

As I have observed, a man’s voice can either be deep, husky, sweet, loud, boyish, sexy or cockroach-sounding (boses ipis in Pinoy slang and is a big turn-off to girls). I know it’s kind of shallow but I’d be a hypocrite if I’d tell you that I’m okay with dating a guy with a cockroach-sounding voice or another with a voice that sounds like it came from underneath the earth’s surface. Definitely, I’d go for a decent-looking guy with nice voice over a good-looking guy with terrible-sounding voice anytime.

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