Cooking for Two

Now that I’m married, cooking has become more of a duty than a chore or a leisure-time activity for me. I now cook on a regular basis to make sure the hubby and I don’t starve. Haha.

When I was still single, I got used to cooking for a family of six albeit only during weekends and whenever mom was sick. Now that I have only a husband to feed, I only cook for two. It’s a new thing for me but I think I’m adjusting well. I’m also glad that it requires lesser work than when I was cooking for my family.

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Meatless Meals Last Holy Week

While I didn’t fast during the Holy Week unlike our other Christian brothers, I made an effort to refrain from drinking alcohol and eating meat. And so did the hubby. Keeping ourselves away from alcohol was easy because we’re not really into drinking, in the first place. Keeping away from meat was another thing because we are self-confessed carnivores. It was a good thing we fully understood the significance of the atonement of Jesus. Thus, we had meatless meals on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

our meatless dinner on Maundy Thursday

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