Some Frugal Living Tips

“Living frugally allows you to live richly in ways that you choose.” ~Anonymous

2014 turned out to be a very positive and enlightening year for the hubby and me. It was the time when we took our finances more seriously. We started investing directly in the stock market in July and when November came, we opened a UITF account at a local bank.

While modifying our allocations for this month’s budget in my desktop, I thought about sharing some frugal living tips here in the blog. These are practices that the hubby and I try to do consistently to save money and live a simple but fun married life.

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On Sticking to One’s Budget

If there’s one thing I used to hate myself from doing, it’s my not sticking to the budget I set for myself. Whenever I’d overspend and lack funds to pay for my bills, I’d blame myself for not taking my finances seriously.

Fortunately, I’ve learned my lesson already. I now look at my finances in a more mature way. I make it a point to pay my bills on time and down to the last centavo. The good result? It saves me from headaches and panic attacks. Plus, it gives me peace of mind knowing that I get to pay my obligations and track my money well.

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