Occasional Tardiness

When is tardiness tolerated and when is it punished? I don’t know the answer to these questions. All I know is that I was late for work today. Ironically though, I didn’t feel guilty or frustrated or anything negative about it. I was fine with it. I’m not always like this when it comes to tardiness. But right now, I just feel okay with it.

But don’t get me wrong, I won’t be late all the time. It just happened today, my first this year. Not a good start, I admit, but I’ll just charge it to experience and make sure it won’t happen every working day. Haha. And from here onwards, I’ll look at tardiness with open mind. No judgment, whatsoever.

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Busy as a Bee

December is a busy month at work. Our event line-up is really long and we have to make do with limited time and resources to finish our tasks. I just got back from a long vacation so I don’t feel the busyness that much. And I think that’s a good thing.

But still, I know I have to produce my share of the output. That’s why I’m working doubly hard to contribute to the office’s accomplishments. This busyness at work shall pass. We just have to work (and give our best) one day at a time.

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