Chocolate Temptation

When I got pregnant, I tried avoiding caffeine because it’s a stimulant and could cause low birth weight and some birth defects to the baby if taken in high amounts. While my Ob-Gyne didn’t prohibit me from consuming caffeine, she did advise me to limit its intake. She even said that I could drink coffee and tea or eat a chocolate bar once in a while so I don’t totally lose my appetite/craving for caffeine.

To be on the safer side, I actually avoided caffeine during my entire first semester. But when I entered my second, I lost control. I started taking caffeine but in moderation. I still don’t drink coffee, tea and cola, though. I just eat chocolate-y food once a week, sometimes even lesser than that.

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Pregnancy and Baby Studies

Just like other expectant moms, I have started reading on pregnancy and baby development after finding out that I was pregnant. Aside from the usual pregnancy threads/forums, I regularly check out Baby Center Philippines. It’s a great resource center for moms-to-be like me. I learn a thing or two in every visit.

And then there are also the Baby Center US and UK versions which I also read up on. They’re basically similar with Baby Center PH except that there, you could learn not just from Pinay moms but American and British moms as well. It’s all about physical knowledge, experts’ advice and personal experiences from real moms, so I guess it’s all good.

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