Shopping and More Shopping

I know I only have a certain budget allotted for shopping but I don’t know, I can’t seem to stop buying stuff. It all started with my little shopping trips during weekends last month, followed by a big shopping spree at Landmark with my girls one Saturday and a couple of impulsive shopping every now and then. I need to stop already because I’m running out of cash.

Discipline, that’s what I badly need right now. But I’d like to think my shopping is still under control. That’s because I keep track of my spending. I have an idea of how much I spent and can spend. Plus, many of the stuff I bought are Christmas presents. I am going to make people happy with them, so I guess I shouldn’t feel guilty at all. Haha.

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An Impulsive Shopping Spree and BPI’s Latest Credit Card Promo

I don’t have a BPI credit card but the boyfriend’s sister has one. That’s why a few weeks after BPI launched one of its exciting promos, I ended up shopping with her. Actually, I didn’t see it coming last Monday night. I thought I’d just stroll the mall with her and the boyfriend while the rest of the Philippines was busy finding out who were leading the polls (read: barangay elections). But, before I knew it, I had already committed to pay for my purchases with clasped hands and a silly grin.

So, what is this particular promo all about? BPI credit cards let you shop and do deferred payment at 0% interest for a minimum purchase of P5,000. It’s quite self-explanatory if you’ll ask me. You shop for a few months worth of supplies and pay for your purchases in installment within six long months. It’s practical and at the same time, convenient. And who wouldn’t be tempted if there are tons of participating stores offering the same promo mechanics?

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