A Date, Finally

Whatever event it is, date is one of the most important factors to consider. What year? What month? Is it gonna be a weekday? A weekend, perhaps? Day or night? Morning or afternoon? A good date settles most, if not everything, that could affect an event.

That’s why I’m very happy that we now have a date for our wedding. Yes, a date for our wedding! It’s not our first-choice date, though, because the church already has a full schedule on the date we preferred. But that’s okay. Perhaps, it’s destiny. At least it’s just a day early.

Now that we have a wedding date, the fiancee and I are starting to feel weird. Like after we went to church to reserve a date for our wedding, the fiancee said he feels he’s having butterflies in his stomach. I dunno if it was just psychosomatic but after he said that, I started feeling the same. Haha.

We know it’s only the start of these weird feelings getting into our system. But I know we only need to breathe, slow down and take things one at a time and everything will be okay. Until then, good luck to us! 🙂

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