Gestational Diabetes

When I got pregnant, I had very little knowledge about the risks and dangers of pregnancy. All I knew was that I was going to be okay as long as I took my vitamins and visited my OB. But it seems there is more to pregnancy than meets the eye. Every week, new developments happen to the baby and new physical and psychological changes are experienced by the mother.

One of my fears in this pregnancy is getting gestational diabetes. Basically, this is diabetes acquired by non-diabetic pregnant woman only during her pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when a dramatic weight gain is inevitable. On my last pre-natal check-up, I was advised by my OB to take a sort of glucose test to find out if I have gestational diabetes. It was not that she thought I had it, it was more of a precautionary measure.

Pre-cautionary measure or not, the thought of taking a glucose test sent shivers down my spine. Yes, I’m a wuss like that. I started lessening my consumption of sweets and carbs the very next day. I would have opted to check out this link for some appetite suppressants had I not been aware of the dangers of most medications to pregnant women like me. Haha.

Come Saturday, I’m gonna find out if I have gestational diabetes or not. So good luck to me. 🙁

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