First Month

Oh how time flies! I can’t believe we’re now married for a month! Yes, it’s one awesome month filled with happiness and excitement over the little details in our very young marriage. Wow, I just feel so great today.

happy first month to us!

Life is good, so far, and we’re very thankful to our families and friends who have been showering us with love and support since our big day. Living in a separate house away from family is quite new to my hubby (not so much to me because I lived alone at one point in my college life!) but I can tell he’s coping well with it. I particularly love how we’re adjusting to married life and enjoying every moment of the process.

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Summer Playing

Summer never fails to make me reminisce of my childhood life in the province. Back then, summer was the most awaited part of the year. At least, for kids like me. We’d usually play under the sun (we’re not conscious of our complexion yet!) wherever our feet take us: our backyard, my playmates’ backyard, on the street, in the middle of the road, in the farms owned by my friends, the riverbank, and those public parks scattered all over town.

My most favorite place to play when I was a kid were the public parks because they had slides, see saws and other playground equipment that could make every child happy. I wish I could still play with all those things at my age now. Hmmmm, why not? I know I still can. Haha.

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New Sunday Routine

Our weekends in the past weeks were spent in our Bacoor home. It’s just the two of us, my hubby and I. We normally just relax on Saturdays and on Sundays, we go to church first thing in the morning. It’s a good thing that there’s a church near our place.

Holy Trinity Parish Church in San Nicolas, Bacoor, is pretty new. It’s not even fully-painted and furnished yet. But I like how it’s big and airy. The parish community is quite big, too, and is growing continuously. Outside the church is a wide complex dotted with shops, food stalls and public parking spaces. You’ll be amazed at how comprehensive the shops there are. I saw vegetable, fruit and meat shops as well as general merchandise stores. I even spotted a dog shop selling cute puppies, dog food and supplies including wooden dog houses similar to those wooden dog crates at Imagine that!

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Kitchen Improvement Then, Front Extension Now

Today is gonna be another busy day at home. Our Naic home, to be exact. We’ve recently started constructing our front extension, with roof, paved floor, metal grills and all that. It’s costly as I expected, but hey, nothing’s cheap these days! As long as the work is good, I’m okay with paying higher than usual on labor fees.

I can still remember the time (I think it was early last year) when we had some kitchen improvement done. We had kitchen cabinets installed and painted in the color that inspired me back then (read: greek blue) and now our kitchen looks neater and better than ever.

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Our First Summer Outing

Our first summer outing as a family for this year happened in the beautiful place called Tanza Oasis Hotel and Resort. As the name suggests, it’s located in Tanza, Cavite. The best thing about it, aside from the nice swimming pool and affordable day tour price, is the fact that it’s very near our Naic home. Yes, we only needed to hop into the car and after a few minutes, we were entering the resort premises already.

photo 1

It was a Saturday and the scorching heat of the sun was unbearable (there was definitely no use to wear my fave cashmere scarf!) but because we wanted to frolick in the water and have a sort of bonding activity, we didn’t mind the hot temperature.

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A Plastic-Free Cavite

Last Saturday, I visited my parents in Naic, a small town in the province of Cavite. On our way there, we drove thru Jollibee-Tanza Branch for some afternoon snacks. I was surprised to see our take-out in a brown paper bag. The food items inside were also in their individual cartons/paper containers. How nifty and environment-friendly!

plastic free
all-paper at Jollibee-Tanza, well…except for the cup lids

I remember when we went grocery shopping at SM Bacoor two weeks ago, we also saw brown paper bags hand-carried by shoppers everywhere we look. It seems Cavite is serious about making the province plastic-free. How laudable a government-initiated campaign it is!

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