Note: This is a back-dated post intended to keep up with my annual personal theme blogs. And because it was written late, it now sounds like an overview of the year that was.
Last 2019, my personal theme was strength. As if it was written in the stars, strength became an all-important concept in my life last year. If not for the strength I possessed in 2019 (mind, body, and soul), I would have been a failure in many departments, the most significant of which was my pregnancy. You see, I got pregnant in the second quarter of 2019 and it was not a smooth ride but thankfully, the outcome was good.
For 2020, I chose life as my personal theme because it was this year that I gave birth to our rainbow baby. I believe there’s not a more suitable word than it. I was given life inside my womb and that life turned into this bundle of joy who now inspires the hubby and me to be better persons every day. I just have to declare she is our greatest blessing this 2020 and beyond!
This second pregnancy has deeply humbled me. My faith in the Lord got tested that I almost gave up hope. But the hubby and I, when we surrendered everything to Him, things miraculously got okay. And on February 07, 2020, we welcomed our baby girl to the outside world and we became a family. Life is good. God is good. The rest is history.
2020 may have been a bad year because of the Taal Volcano eruption in January and the ongoing global pandemic that is COVID-19 but it sure has its happy moments, so far. Personally, I had a lot of realizations this year. Like how life is short we should spend our time wisely and meaningfully. Like how no amount of money can save you from a deadly virus. Like how being at home with family is the most comfortable and safest place one could ever be. That as long as we have our loved ones with us, we can deal with anything. That material things are just that — material things. That while there is more to life than technology, it somehow gives us convenience, peace of mind, and protection when facing an invisible enemy. That we’re never in control, God is. That He is good all the time and knows what’s best for each one of us. That those who lost a loved one, a business, a job, or anything of value to the pandemic, will find consolation in the fact that they are alive and may be destined to survive this year still covid-free.
I can go on and on with my realizations, but my point is, if we have come this far still living our life, then we are definitely blessed.
May we all survive 2020 and all its ordeals and still be grateful about it!
May you choose happiness always,
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