Laundry Manager

I’m lucky to have a husband who is not ashamed of doing household chores, like most men are. For instance, I’m glad that he enjoys doing the laundry which is on top of my list of most hated things to do. Haha.

The hubby enjoys doing the laundry so much that he is very particular with the detergent powder and fabric conditioner to use. He washes our clothes during the weekend when he has ample time to bond with the washing machine. I hope he continues to be the laundry manager at home for as long as he can.

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On Opening Christmas Gifts

Giving and exchanging gifts during the Christmas season is a tradition in the Philippines and probably in other countries in the world where Christmas is celebrated. Are you the kind of person who waits for Christmas to arrive before opening your presents or the type who opens them as soon as you have received them? I belong to the latter.

I open my Christmas gifts as soon as it has been handed over to me. I dunno know with you but I get too excited like that. I guess it’s the warm, fuzzy feeling I get upon knowing that someone has remembered me or thought about me. May the gift is as plain as a face towel or as cool as the best arch support inserts, I appreciate it and look at it as a blessing.

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Christmas Menu

Have you planned your Christmas menu yet? As for me, it’s gonna be effortless because the hubby and I are having the traditional Noche Buena with my side of the family at our parents’ place in Cavite. I don’t have any idea what my siblings planned to prepare but I’m guessing it’s gonna be a decent spread.

But since we’re spending the afternoon of the 25th in our home, I might just cook one or two dishes for a few expected guests. Two of my godchildren are showing up, too, as I was told by their moms. Hmmm, I need to prepare something sweet and filling for the kids. And the kids-at-heart. Haha.

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New Stuff for Christmas

If you’re a Filipino like me, you grew up as a kid getting pamasko or aguinaldo (Christmas presents) from your parents, siblings, relatives, godparents and family friends. It could be in the form of material gifts or just plain cash (which I preferred and still prefer up to this day!).

Now that I’m an adult, I don’t just rely on anyone for new stuff whenever the Christmas season arrives. While I appreciate receiving gifts from family and friends, I also buy myself Christmas presents. It’s like my reward to myself for all the hard work I’ve done this year. The gift could be expensive or not, so long as it’s the one I really want. To give you an example, I almost purchase this yoga pillow at yogadirect had I not suddenly realized I’m not yet into yoga. Haha.

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Internal Arrangements

Now that I’m married, planning for Christmas and New Year celebrations is a must. As early as the day after our wedding, the hubby and I have already made “internal arrangements” as to where we would celebrate the two special occasions. Christmas would be with my side of the family while the New Year would be with his. Fair enough.

Things were different when I was still single. It’s a must that we stick together at home. When the hubby and I became a couple, I remember celebrating a few New Year’s with them. There was even one New Year celebration where they invited my family over. It was a fun celebration complete with parlor games, prizes, gifts, fireworks and of course, lots of food.

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I started using Photoshop on my photos in 2003. I had just started working then. I used to replace faces of celebrities with my own face. Haha. I mastered the technique after reading various tutorials online.

But ask me to do the same thing today and I won’t budge. Why? Because I’ve totally forgotten about them now! I was just good then because I had tutorials to follow. My Photoshop skills are now back to zero. Poor me.

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