Independence Day 2012

It’s a legal holiday in Manila today and everybody’s supposed to be on holiday mode. Unfortunately, I can’t join the crowd. I have work today. No complaints, though, as I love my job.

This year, we celebrate the 114th Anniversary of Philippine Independence. That is, if we start counting at 1898 when Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo first waved the Philippine flag at his residence in Kawit, Cavite (now considered a historical site). If we start counting on July 4, 1946, the momentous date when the Philippine-American Friendship Day was formalized, then it should be less at 66th.

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Daddy and Baby Bonding

My pregnancy is getting more and more exciting each day. To give you an update, our baby is now making its small presence felt inside my womb. It now makes small kicks and pokes me from inside the amniotic sac where it develops and grows.

I couldn’t describe the joy I had the first time I felt our baby moved. It was a great feeling, something that I will treasure forever. These days, the hubby is getting its fair share of our baby’s precious movements, too. In fact, he now has a schedule for their daddy-and-baby bonding. As early as now, I can already imagine them having a great time tickling each other if our baby’s a girl. Or playing with a duncan raptor yoyo together at the playground near our house if it’s a boy.

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Busy Mode is On

Today is a manic Monday. With the tasks I need to get done at work, “busy” would be a mild adjective to describe the current state of my mind and body. We have this big event being organized in the office and we have yet to get the attendance confirmation of all the guests. Which explains who what my best friend will be until the event is over…


Hopefully, this busyness won’t continue till the end of the week. 🙁

Investing on Luxury Furniture

Our Bacoor home, despite its small size, is slowly turning into a lovely dwelling for a small family like we have at present. Home improvement projects really do wonders to a home. As I’ve mentioned in my past blogs, our back extension, which we had improved recently, now serves as our kitchen. It’s tiny, but it has all the basics a homemaker wannabe like me needs.

my dream sofa (via)

For our next home improvement project, we plan to focus on our living room. If we’d have enough resources this year, we want to invest on luxury furniture. Not something overly expensive, though. We just want something sturdy and beautiful that would last us for years. It’s gonna be worth the money, right? Like one of those Marge carson sofas I saw online the other day. I can imagine it to be perfect for our tiny living room. Yes, our home furnishings have to be small for them to fit in our tiny living space.

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My Techie Husband

I didn’t know having a techie husband could be costly. Or maybe I knew all along and I was just pretending not to know. If there’s one vice that my husband is addicted to, it would be gadgets. He has always been fascinated with anything IT-related. It must be because of his work, or he just really wants to get updated on the latest gadgets and acquire them if he has the resources to do so.

Last week, he attended a week-long IT governance seminar held at a government agency located somewhere in Quezon City. He said he learned a lot from it and now he wants to gain more knowledge by attending an ITIL governance seminar abroad. How ambitious! If the expenses will be paid wholly by his company, why not? If that’s not the case, I guess he better waits for the opportunity to come his way. Haha.

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MiG Ayesa is on Sarah G Live Tonight!

UPDATE: Just heard from a reliable source that MiG Ayesa’s guesting on Sarah G Live tonight got cancelled. FYI, people.

The lead star of the hit Broadway musical Rock of Ages MiG Ayesa will be guesting on Sarah G Live tonight, 8PM at the Kapamilya network. We (meaning yours truly and the hubby’s family) are definitely watching this because we love and support MiG Ayesa! Yay!

If you’re a MiG Ayesa fan, you should watch, too. Just telling. 🙂