Sunday in Tagaytay

I will never get tired of going to Tagaytay. Ever. It’s such a great place for some chilling out, sight-seeing, and of course, food-tripping. Yesterday, the hubby and I, along with my SIL, drove up to the country’s second summer capital and had so much fun. We had brunch at Mushroomburger and desserts was at the famous Bag of Beans.

treats from Mushroomburger

Sunday in Tagaytay is always busy. Families flock to the place to bond and unwind. There was no traffic yesterday, though, which was a good thing. Because my SIL hasn’t gone to The Cliffhouse yet, we took her there and as we had suspected, there were a lot of people strolling around and the parking slots were full. We parked outside the nearby Yellow Cab and Army Navy instead and sneakily crossed over The Cliffhouse so my SIL could take a look around the place while we enjoyed the view and took pictures. Haha.
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Moody No More

I’m one of the many women who regularly go through the difficult and insane phase called pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). I get really irritable, stubborn and impatient whenever my period is arriving. I’m just glad the hubby is already used to this phenomenon. He becomes more patient with me and just let me be on days leading to my menstruation.

Two months after my emergency cs, I started having my period back. Somehow, I felt normal again. To be honest, a part of me wished to conceive as soon as possible but it isn’t safe and it isn’t the best thing to do. Also, getting pregnant is not on our list of priorities this 2013, paying our debts and saving up more money are.

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10th Month

It’s our 10th month as husband and wife today. So far, so good. In our fairly short time as a married couple, the hubby and I have been through a lot already. With this, somehow I’m confident that we can overcome any challenge or obstacle that life may throw at us.


Two more months and it’s gonna be our first wedding anniversary! We’ve been blessed with a happy marriage, loving family, caring friends, stable jobs, and good health. We really can’t ask for more with the life we have now. We may have failed in our quest to build our own little family last year, but we still have this year and the coming ones to try again. In God’s time, our family dream will come true.

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Weekend Love

I have always loved weekends. It’s the time when I can do so much without really trying. Or do nothing at all. It’s also the time when I can get as much rest as I want without worrying about work. Oh, what bliss weekends bring!

This weekend, in our home, is starting the way I liked it. I woke up late (the hubby always wakes up earlier than I do!) and thought I had the best sleep in days. I made breakfast for the two of us and watched a little TV after. Right now, I’m actually on the verge of taking a nap. Haha.

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The Road to Healing

Time. Acceptance. Understanding. Faith. All of these things work together to pave the road to healing for the hubby and me. It’s been three months since we lost our first baby and yet whenever I think of it, it still feels like it just happened yesterday. Oh, sad memories. But I digress.

I’m happy to report that we’re recovering well. We chose to believe everything happens for a reason, that’s it’s not our time yet. We won’t lose hope, for sure. We will continue to dream and work it out. Trying to conceive won’t happen until after at least six months to a year (as advised by my Ob-Gyn), though. But as early as now, I’m already preparing my mind, heart and body for my next pregnancy. I know God will take care of the other and more important preparations.

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No Handy Man

The hubby is no handy man. He doesn’t know how to fix a leaking faucet, repair a broken chair, re-paint a room and the likes. I think he won’t be a handy man in the coming years. Or perhaps not in this lifetime. Haha. But I love him still.

I can rely on the hubby when it comes to electronic gadgets and some household chores but not when it comes to “fix-up tasks” at home. But the things he can’t do, his father definitely can. (I wonder why he didn’t inherit his father’s skills!) Ooops, speaking of my FIL, I think the maintenance tools and supplies at are a great gift for his birthday next year.

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