Life Updates

I’ve been neglecting this blog. I’ve been preoccupied with work and lazy with anything that is not work-related. But today, I felt like I needed to share some life updates that I could look back on in the future. So, here are some things that happened to me and my little family since my last blog post:

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I Don’t Own a Car…

…I just ride in one. As front seat passenger. On a regular basis. And the car belongs to the fiance. He bought it last February and since then, our trips in and out of the city have significantly improved. You can say we’re enjoying having a car at our disposal. Now we can go wherever we want, at any time of the day. Owning a car, according to the fiance, has not only made our life easier but allowed us to appreciate life better. I can’t agree more.

But owning a car can have its downsides, too. Your number one enemy would be fuel prices. Here in Manila, oil price hike is a common thing. Traffic is next. We all know how bad traffic in this country can be. Third would be paying for your car. The down payment alone costs an arm and a leg. The succeeding payment, in the form of monthly amortizations, can be burdensome at times. Unless, of course, you signed up for a car loans title to make things a lot easier for you.

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