Computer Education for my Parents

If there are people who need computer education, that would be our parents. If you’re like me who’s in her late 20’s, chances are your parents are now in their late 50’s and do not know how to use the computer. Unless they are working in an office or they get to use computers at home, our parents need some computer lessons to appreciate their lives, and ours, better.

As for me, I felt it was my obligation to teach my parents about the wonders of computer and the internet. I believe that since we live in the same world and get exposed to the same technological advances, our parents have to keep up with these developments as well.

I started introducing my parents to the PC two years ago. My dad showed interest first and learned quite fast. I remember he got addicted to Plants vs. Zombies last year (he would play the game on the PC 12 hours daily). Funny because he’d get so emotionally attached with his plants that whenever they’d get injured by the evil zombies, he’d get mad and would act like a father to ’em poor plants. I bet if he could get the services of personal injury attorneys tucson, he won’t hesitate to file a case against their enemies. He’s that concerned.
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The Struggle of Job Hunting

It’s been three months now since my brother became out of work. He has been applying for jobs at various companies, but it seems luck isn’t on his side yet. He has received several job offers from local recruitment agencies but I don’t want any of them for him because of job security issues. I don’t want him to be a contractual worker again. One in the family is enough.

My brother is a technology and livelihood education (TLE) teacher but doesn’t have a license yet. After graduation, he forewent the opportunity to take the LET and concentrated on his first job instead. He finished his 10-month contract in June.
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