New Hope, Less Expectation

I just received a good news in the form of an email. A new opportunity is presenting itself again. I dunno if I should be happy or sad, excited or nervous, about it. I’m having mixed feelings right now. But definitely, I’m giving it another shot. Who knows, it would be mine now. My words may be vague and puzzling to you, but the surprise I got this afternoon is worth a lot. Crazy as it sounds, but I think my future depends on it.

I failed in it the last time. How would I fare this time around? I have just been given new hope, but I have decided to expect less. I don’t want to imagine things. I want them to appear right before my eyes, to come my way. This is it. There’s no turning back. I wanna win this but surprisingly for me, I dunno how. Perhaps, I’ll just give it my best shot and see what happens from there…

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Dealing with Failures

I’m not so sure but I think I’ve blogged about this thing before. Dealing with failures seems hard but as you look into yourself deeply, you will realize that you can live with it. You can live with failing on things that matter once, twice and even most of the time. That’s the beauty of life. You can start over and over again, so long as you know where to and you have the strength, attitude and faith.

The only thing that blocks our acceptance of failure is pride. I don’t know with you, but that’s how it goes with me. Whenever I commit myself to something, like a goal for instance, I give it my best shot and pray hard for it. I also visualize myself on the victorious side and create a scene in my head where the people who love me are happy with the good news while those who don’t are in pain knowing I have succeeded.

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