Miss Philippines Maria Venus Raj just finished 4th in the 2010 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant held in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. The Philippines is rejoicing. Congratulations, Venus! This is truly an achievement for you and for all of us Filipinos.

The Philippines’ bet did a good job. She may not have bagged the Miss Universe crown (which went to Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete) but she did her best and that’s what’s important. All of us Pinoys should be happy about it. There’s no reason to criticize her for her less than satisfactory answer during the Q&A portion. The fact that she has taken herself that far in the competition already screamed of victory.
The question to Venus went something like this: ‘What is the one big mistake that you did in your life? And what did you do to make it right?’ Her answer went something like: ‘In my 22 years of existence, there is nothing major, major problem that I have done in my life. Because I am very confident with my family and the love they are giving to me. So thank you so much.’
I thought she answered honestly but you could see she felt nervous and pressured at the same time. It didn’t help that the question wasn’t easy. It was the kind that would make you think for a while before answering. The rest of the questions thrown by the judges were only asking the finalists’ stand or opinion on the matter in question. I bet our Miss Philippines’ answer was the fastest she could compose in her head.
Nonetheless, Miss Philippines Venus Raj has made the Philippines proud. She was able to lift our spirits after the tragic hostage drama that happened last night.
The complete list of 2010 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant winners:
Miss Universe: Jimena Navarrete, Miss Mexico
1st Runner Up: Yendi Philipps, Miss Jamaica
2nd Runner Up: Jesinta Campbell, Miss Australia
3rd Runner Up: Anna Polslavska, Miss Ukraine
4th Runner Up: Maria Venus Raj, Miss Philippines
The competition has ended happily. Now everyone’s back to regular programming. 🙂