Pasta Craving on a Weekend

These days, weekends are the only time I get to experiment in the kitchen. Like yesterday when I whipped up a simple sardine pasta recipe.

my sardine pasta

This dish was inspired by my brother. It’s his favorite. I suddenly remembered him and thought about this pasta dish. I checked our pantry for ingredients and when I found what I needed, I started cooking immediately.

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Book Review: The Politics of Stupid by Susan Powter

I got this book from BookSale for a very cheap price of P20 during one of my trips there. Susan Powter is an Australian motivational speaker, nutritionist, personal trainer and best-selling author. In “The Politics of Stupid,” she talks about weight loss and how to do it right.

Susan Powter herself on the cover of her own book!

In the book, Powter unabashedly claimed that “dieting doesn’t work.” I think I’ll have to agree with her on that but only if we’re talking about the long term effects. You see, my GM Diet worked because I lost a total of 7 lbs. when I finished the 7-day diet plan. Which made me believe that dieting helps especially if you just want to “jumpstart” your weight loss. But I digress.

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Weekend Highlights

Last weekend was a blast. I hope all weekends are like that. So light and fun and happy. All of the things I did was enjoyable and I even got to spend some quality bonding time with my family and the hubby.


On Saturday, I went shopping at my fave department store with my mom and my sister. Landmark Makati never fails to amaze me with its dirt-cheap clothes. Their accessories and bazaar sections are the best. I’ve always found treasures in them.

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