Divisoria Shopping

My Christmas shopping isn’t complete without the requisite trip to Divisoria to do some, well, shopping of course. Yesterday morning, my mom and I trooped to the so-called “bargain shopping mecca.” The roads leading to the place was in heavy traffic. The usual 10-minute ride lasted almost an hour, can you believe?

When we got to Divisoria, the roads to the malls there were filled with goods and people (yes, there were lots of goods scattered on the road sold by street vendors). It was hard to shop inside the two malls we visited (168 and 999) but the finds were worth the money and energy we spent. We found some great deals and went home very happy and satisfied.

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Comfort Food List

Do you have a list of your comfort food? You know, the edible things you love to stuff in your mouth to comfort you when you feel down or simply give you the energy to go about your day? I have mine which continues to get long as the days go by. Oh, I just love food!

Top on my list is anything sweet (e.g. chocolates, milk and mint-based candies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, etc.). Blame my mother for that as I got my sweet tooth from her. I guess we’re just lucky we haven’t gotten the dreaded diabetes yet (knocks on wood!). But recently, to cut back on sugar and safeguard my health, I have decided to drop those sweet candies in my list and replaced them with sugar-free ones. I also limit my intake of sugar and drink lots of water whenever I can.

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2013 is Year of the Snake

2012 is drawing to a close. Next year, 2013, is year of the snake. Is it gonna be a good or a bad year? Who knows for sure? I mean, it’s only God who definitely knows what’s gonna happen in 2013. As they say, it’s all part of the big plan.

As for me, I won’t have any expectations. In 2013, I’ll just try to live my life one day at a time. Of course, there will be targets and goals, both personal and marital. But as I’ve said, there’d be no expectations. Anything goes.

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Time to Party

Christmas parties are always fun. Just like birthdays, they only happen once a year which make them more special. Our first Christmas party as a married couple was the one in our village where we met and socialize with both new and old neighbors that we don’t get to see everyday.

While most parties are uncomplicated, there are some that require you to show some efforts. Like those that impose a costume for the attendees. But you have to admit there’s fun in that, ayt? For this party I’m going to that requests people to show up in a themed attire, for instance, I feel like wearing one of those Fur Cowboy Hats to make myself unique. Why not? Haha.

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Kindness Pays Off

For this year’s Christmas, we have decided to use a real tree instead of the traditional one. We were supposed to buy from my officemate who sells various kinds of plants on the side, but it seemed God had a different plan. I was gifted by the same officemate with a Christmas-decorated araucaria which now serves as our official Christmas tree at home.

I was surprised by the sweet gesture so I asked my officemate why he gave me such a beautiful and expensive tree. He said he just wanted to return the favor as I have been good to him ever since he could remember. He reminded me of the times when he needed help (financially and otherwise) and I didn’t hesitate to lend a hand. I replied he didn’t have to do it but thanked him still. His gift came in good timing and was very much appreciated.

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The Wait for the iPhone 5

… is finally over. And so are the hubby’s sleepless nights awaiting for his new phone. He’s been very excited about it ever since it was first launched by Apple in September. This Friday is gonna be the day for him. What’s with men and gadgets? I don’t even want to answer that question.

Are you also getting an iPhone 5? If yes, from which network? What made you decide to get it instead of the other best-selling android phone in the market? You know, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I heard it’s a good phone, too.

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