Weekend Story: 3S’s (Sweet, Simple, and Special)

Our last long weekend can be described in 3S’s: sweet, simple, and special. Mame and my sister Jodie joined the hubby and me in Bacoor. They were not without plans. Jodie, for instance, had asked me to accompany her in getting a formal suit. She plans to give her “dream job” a shot and I’m fully supporting her. Mame, on the other hand, just wanted to bond with her eldest child and her favorite son-in-law. Haha.

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Sometimes, you plan something and it doesn’t push thru. Sometimes, you give yourself a timeline and you don’t get to follow it. Sometimes, you imagine yourself winning on something only to get defeated in the end. Sometimes, shit happens. Never lose faith!

Sometimes, you do your best only to get a less than satisfactory outcome. Sometimes, you think you’re strong enough only to find yourself feeling weak and helpless. Sometimes, you get surprised by the unexpected.

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Weekend Story: Hospital Staycation + Biking + Family Bonding

Last weekend took us by surprise. On Friday night, we had a “hospital staycation” because my FIL suddenly got sick. He had a vomiting episode and was having severe stomach cramps. My MIL accompanied him to the hospital to see his kidney doctor (he’s been taking meds for kidney stones because he’s been refusing to undergo surgery since 2013) for fear that the kidney stones themselves were the culprit. After asking my FIL some questions, the doctor ordered his admission to the hospital for further observation and just so he wouldn’t get dehydrated as he looked pale already.

My FIL got admitted to the hospital on Friday night and was discharged after 24 hours. Apparently, he just had a case of indigestion and his kidney stones didn’t have anything to do with it. Thank goodness for that! Haaay, buti na lang talaga kasi nagpa-panic na ang panganay nya (a.k.a. the hubby). I’d like to assume we all had a good night’s sleep on Saturday night after a short stay at the hospital.

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Some Food and Dieting Thoughts

This year, I’ve been cooking less and less. There are several reasons for that. When at my in-laws’ place, my MIL reigns in the kitchen and because she’s a great cook, I’m more than willing to eat and enjoy whatever magic she whips up with her hands. When in our marital home in Bacoor, I usually stay late in bed and before I know it, it’s past lunch time and the hubby is screaming in hunger already (well, not really screaming but you get the point). On some weekends, also in Bacoor, I just get too lazy to cook that I would resort to take-out/delivery for us to survive a meal time.

When I started the Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet (CAD), I thought I’d be able to cook more. But sooner than later, I realized the diet wasn’t for me. Why? Because it seems I’m more of a moderator than an abstainer. (So yes, no more comprehensive review of CAD on this blog; consider this paragraph a brief review instead.) In fairness to this diet, I was able to lose 8 lbs. (from 144 to 136) in just a month and so far, I’ve been maintaining my new weight. You could say I was successful with the diet and that’s right. I just can’t commit to it for a long time. So, thank you very much CAD for giving me a good start in my weight loss journey but I’m moving on.

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Weekend Story: Malling in Alabang + History Convention 2016 + Work on a Holiday

Long weekends are love! And I say that even if I had to go to work yesterday. The hubby and I were already in Bacoor as early as Friday night. We spent most of our Saturday at home and just drove to Alabang at night to hear mass and do some malling. On Sunday, I accompanied the hubby in checking out the History Convention 2016 at World Trade Center (WTC), Pasay City. After that, we met up with my in-laws at Toyota Manila Bay before going home in Manila.

Below are some of the things that added color to our weekend:

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Weekend Story: Daiso Finds + Game of Thrones Marathon + Avocado Ice Cream

Last weekend went by fast. The hubby and I spent much of Saturday in Manila and the rest of the weekend in Bacoor. We were with my in-laws all the time. Fun? Yes, of course!

Daiso Finds

The hubby and I went to Rob Magnolia on Friday night for some “couple time” and I happened to go inside the Daiso store there and get these useful stuff:

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