Night Out at Ayala Triangle Gardens, Makati

Last Saturday night, I had a date with the two important men in my life: my husband and my brother. We went to Ayala Triangle Gardens in Makati.


The last time I was there was two years ago and I noticed a lot of changes in the park. For one, there are now more restaurants and the lighting was better. There are also more people going there now (I saw many adults jogging and several families dining out!) as compared to before. I liked it as it makes the place more alive especially at night.

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Learning Never Stops

When a learning opportunity presents itself, you just grab it. It doesn’t always come around, so you better take it. I just did this yesterday by deciding to attend a 3-day seminar on protocol, diplomatic etiquette and decorum. It’s related to my work, so why not? It didn’t hurt that it was free and all I needed to do was to attend and participate in it.

scene from the seminar

This year, I want to learn as many new things as I can. Instead of using my free time surfing the net looking for some pretty accessories or some used engine lathe for sale, I’d rather read a new book or cook a new dish. Or better yet, learn a new skill!

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Misplaced or Lost Forever?

UPDATE: My wedding ring isn’t meant to be lost forever. The hubby found it last Saturday morning in our laundry bag. God is good! 🙂

Something very important to me is missing. I have not a single clue as to where it is. Did I misplace it? Did I lose it? I’m confused and worried. I may not be very organized with my stuff, but I usually find where they are when I need them.

This thing, though it can be replaced, means so much to me. I found out it’s missing just last night. This morning, I prayed to God that whoever finds it give it back to me, in a way He could only know and execute. And that if ever it has been misplaced, I will be able to find it before it’s too late.

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Stress and Priorities

They say, the simpler your life, the better. I super agree to this, more so if you lead a simple and stress-free life. I know I live a simple life, but stress-free? I think on most days, yes, but there are days when I can’t help getting stressed-out. Or maybe, I just feel exhausted and misinterpret it as stress? Haha.

But I realized stress is manageable. One of the factors that aggravate stress is the lack of organization. This is where priorities come into view. By knowing how to manage my priorities well, I can also control my stress levels. How cool is that?

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Winter in Manila

Obviously, I’m just exaggerating. Winter in Manila? It won’t happen in this lifetime, unless there’d be a change in our country’s location in the universe. But we can always have a cold weather, like what we’re experiencing the past weeks. Isn’t it fun? The drop in temperature outside (which averages at 18 to 22 degrees Celsius) makes me wanna sleep all day. Not bad, especially if I don’t have work to attend to. But I have, so I guess I’ll just reserve the enjoyment for before and after-office hours only.

I can think of tons of things to do during a cold day. Most of them can be done inside the house, no need to go out and spend money. Like cooking and baking. Or reading books. Or having a DVD marathon. Or listening to music. Or better yet, playing a musical instrument like a cheap keyboard piano. Or simply cuddling with my husband. You get my point.

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Garage Sale

I like the idea of garage sales. It allows people to dispose, reuse and recycle things. It’s true that for some people, some things already serve as “clutter” or “excess” due to disorganization and overabundance. For other people, though, these could be part of their basics and essentials.

I’ve bought stuff from garage sales in the past and they became very useful to me. Looking at our tiny home last weekend, I was amazed by how much stuff we’ve accumulated in the past months after we tied the knot. They continue to grow, too. I would like to do a garage sale someday so I could sell at very reasonable prices those that we don’t desire or need anymore.

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