Of Weddings and Pregnancies

Weddings and pregnancies are happy events that we welcome into our lives with open arms and grateful hearts. I have friends who are getting married soon (in fact, one of them is tying the knot tomorrow!) and I have friends who have gotten pregnant recently. To feel happy for them is just but natural to me.

I can still vividly remember our wedding day. It wasn’t perfect but it was the best for us. There were some minor problems but most of the guests, and even the hubby and I, didn’t notice it until somebody told us about it after the reception had ended. We would have wanted also to modify some details of the wedding but later on we realized it’s better left as unique and lovely as it was.

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Too Little Time

The weekend has passed very swiftly. It’s Monday once again and most of us are back to work. Oh, how little time we all have. Our weekend was pretty normal except that we had my parents in the house. Together, we visited our Naic home on Saturday to clean up. It was a big mess because it had been idle for four long months. Sunday was relaxed, we just went to church to hear mass and then stayed home the whole day.

Last weekend was all about calm and relaxed living. It’s amazing how I got to find happiness in little things. Like when I cooked Kung Pao pasta and my mom liked it a lot. (I initially thought she hated spicy food.) Like when I finally found my missing shoes. Like when I peacefully slept for hours in our bedroom in the afternoon, with the air-con on and with my husband beside me. Like when I re-arranged my accessories and realized that a lot of them I haven’t even worn yet.

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A Well-Spent Day

Don’t you wish all your days are well-spent? If that is the case, then maybe there are more reasons to be happy about. A well-spent day for me is one where I am not only productive but also doing meaningful things for myself and for the people I love. Or just a plain day spent doing crazy things with the people dearest to me.

Busy or not, the day should be well-spent in such a way that the overall experience becomes so enriching and unforgettable at the same time. Unfortunately, it’s not every day that we get to experience a well-spent day. There are days that are forgettable and there are days that are regrettable. When our attitude becomes sour or goes downhill, or the circumstances surrounding our day become uncontrollable or go for the worse, we are left with very limited options to make our day right.

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Daily Routine

I guess at some point life becomes routinary, and rather dull. This is especially true if you have lots of time in your hands but you don’t have lots of things to do. Or rather, you have but you just don’t have the energy to do them or the right mood to set things in motion.

With no work to keep me occupied, the past weeks were quite ordinary and almost lifeless to me. As much as I want to go out, I still can’t because of my condition. Recovering from a surgery has its downsides, too many to mention if I may add. I’m literally and figuratively confined in the four corners of the house.

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Life after Surgery

Having undergone a major abdominal surgery is no easy feat. I really admire those who have recovered from it (or any other major surgery for that matter) without getting a little depressed or something.

Your body after a surgery is way different from the old body one used to have. Speaking from experience, I feel like my physical movements are now limited and the activities I can do seems numbered as well.

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When you have high expectations on something, the chance that you’d get disappointed is also high. Through the years, I’ve learned not to put high expectations on anything or anybody. I don’t exactly believe in “lasting first impressions.” Most of the time, the humble ones produce the best output and shine the brightest. Erhm, make that all the time.

Same thing with services. When you are paying for services, the cheap ones are usually substandard and good only for a single use. In this case, the chance to be disappointed is high as well. But I don’t want to generalize. I’ve seen and dealt with several service providers who came cheap but delivered on their promises. It’s a matter of luck, I guess. Oh and, online reviews are a good gauge when it comes to these service providers.

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