Birthday Wishes

To the man I chose to marry, may you continue to work with me towards a beautiful marriage filled with love, respect, faith and commitment.

To the man I chose to be my life partner, may you continue to share my values, ideals, goals and dreams. Together, let’s live simply and meaningfully and without regrets. Let’s believe that just like in fairy tales, we’ll have our own happily-ever-after ending, too.

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Ask and You Shall Receive

And sometimes, even if you don’t ask at all. Perhaps, this is how life really works. When you need something, the universe understands and the stars conspire to give just what you need. I can so relate to this because I just received a good news yesterday morning. It was something I didn’t expect but something I really needed.

I noticed that in my life, whenever I’d ask for something from God, even if it’s just a whisper and only me could hear it, God listens and grants my request. That’s why even if I’m a self-confessed pessimistic person, I still get to the proverbial silver lining in the end. Funny, but true.

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More Travels, Please

Traveling is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things to do. Not only does it allow you to see new places and meet new people, but it also broadens your perspective on just about everything. Did I mention it’s kind of liberating, too? Whenever I travel, I feel so free. It’s like I can do anything (so long as it’s legal!) without worry.

Traveling is a serious matter for me. I know that once ruined, the memories attached to a travel will be etched in the heart forever. The mistakes committed can never be undone. It’s not like shopping where you could return defective items, say a dress with a missing button or a bumbleride indie stroller without wheels. Traveling is something that has to be taken seriously.

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#002: 10 Things to Be Thankful for Last Week

Life is good. When you’re having worries, remember that God won’t let you down. If you wished for something and it was granted, thank Him. If you wished for something and it wasn’t granted, thank Him still. Sometimes, our wishes come true in our time (the exact time we wanted it) and other times, in God’s time. I think the secret to a happy life is to remain thankful no matter what. Last week was a beautiful week for me. And these are the 10 reasons why I am very thankful to God for last week’s turn of events:

1. Our rented house here in Manila is now a wifi zone. Now we could surf as much as we want, any time of the day (and night).
2. The new TV cabinet in our Cavite home has made our living room there more lively and complete.
3. I had the pleasure of trying out new restaurants along with the fiancee and my family. Our latest food trips were at Nanos SM Manila and Corniche, Diamond Hotel.
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New Year, New Beginning

My family and I celebrated New Year’s Day in our Cavite home. It was our first time to do that and we were so happy and thankful. We are all optimistic about the new year. Our 2010 has been very fruitful and we hope that 2011 will be better.

I don’t have a list of New Year’s resolutions but there are a few things which I’d like to focus on this year. Primary among them is my weight. I need to lose weight because I’m already bordering on obesity. I mean, seriously. I’m at 140 lbs. now. I gained 20 unwanted pounds during the last three months, imagine that! I need to figure out how to lose these excess pounds lest I get paranoid and depressed and sickly all the time.

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