How Frugal Are You?

I grew up in a lower middle class family. Ours was a one-income household until my father, the wage-earner, lost his job in 1999. Frugality became a clear concept to me when I started assuming the role of breadwinner in a family of six right after I landed a job fresh out of university back in 2004. How our family survived from 1999 to 2004 was clearly a manifestation of the great love and sacrifice of my parents, our relatives, friends of our family, and of course, divine providence.

Frugality as a Need

These days as a married woman, I still find frugality a very relevant concept as I try to be a good and responsible wife. Of course, it’s the same with my other roles such as daughter, sister, friend, and citizen. How can I not apply frugality in my life when I’m not at all wealthy and my income is limited? I have to be frugal if raising my own family and having a comfortable retirement are part of my life goals, right? But the more important question is, how frugal am I?

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Some Frugal Living Tips

“Living frugally allows you to live richly in ways that you choose.” ~Anonymous

2014 turned out to be a very positive and enlightening year for the hubby and me. It was the time when we took our finances more seriously. We started investing directly in the stock market in July and when November came, we opened a UITF account at a local bank.

While modifying our allocations for this month’s budget in my desktop, I thought about sharing some frugal living tips here in the blog. These are practices that the hubby and I try to do consistently to save money and live a simple but fun married life.

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Why I Use Loyalty Cards

If there’s one smart living tip I know and apply in my life, it’s using loyalty cards whenever possible. Right now, I have five in my wallet: SM Advantage Card (SMAC), Happy Plus Card, Shakey’s Pizzanatic Supercard, Starbucks Card, and Citibank Cebu Pacific card. I buy and use the products and services of these companies from time to time so I might as well benefit from them. It’s better than nothing.


With SMAC, I normally get 1 point (which is equal to 1 peso) for every P200 spent at SM stores and other partner establishments. I get less than 1 point for every P200 spent at SM supermarkets and I don’t know why. These points accumulate over time. I even get bonus points from PLDT!

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