The Gift of Good Health

I’ve always believed that good health is a gift. I would prefer good health than money any day. Of course, we do need money to live a good life but then, a good life is worthless if it comes with a terrible sickness that could ruin it any time.

I just found out last week that an officemate’s spouse has been diagnosed with kidney failure and would need to undergo dialysis twice a week. What a nightmare that came very early! The patient is only 41, for goodness’ sake.

My officemates and I couldn’t believe the news, at first. We felt sad for our officemate who has to go through all of this. Having a sick family member that needs permanent medical attention and ample resources to fund such a service is just so hard.

I really hope and pray that they overcome this ordeal in their family. This is when having a good health matters more than anything. If you know of an agency or an organization that provide free/cheap dialysis treatments to patients in need, please let me know.

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