Movie Review: Man of Steel (2013)

Last night, I watched Man of Steel at SM Manila. I was with the hubby, my mom and my sister Jodie. One word to describe it: awesome. The visual effects were astounding and it didn’t hurt that the lead star, Henry Cavill, was super duper hot! I love him already.


Directed by Zack Snyder, Man of Steel is a 2013 American superhero film. It’s actually the newest Superman movie with a twist. I liked how they made it look futuristic and contemporary at the same time. The crucial flashback scenes blended well with the story. The action scenes were nicely-choreographed I couldn’t blink my eyes for fear that I’d miss a moment. Haha.

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The Glasses-Wearing Couple

I never thought there would come a time that I would need to wear glasses. I’ve always believed that I inherited my grandfather’s sharp eyes. He wore prescription glasses only when he reached 60+ and that was mainly due to ageing. Amazing, isn’t it? In this age of advanced technology where we get exposed to all sorts of chemicals and radiations everyday, our eyes aren’t spared from harm and eventually become vulnerable to damage.

yours truly trying to get the hang of it

The hubby and I still have 20/20 vision (I have sharp eyes, after all!) but we’ve recently found out we have a mild astigmatism to monitor. Astigmatism is a common condition of the eye that causes blurred or distorted vision. I have it on both eyes while he has it on the right eye only. This meant we needed to wear glasses already. And so we did, just over a week ago. The optometrist said we didn’t have to wear glasses all day but only when our eyes are working hard like when we are in front of the PC, reading books and watching TV.

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Some Thoughts on Dining Out

While dining out is fun, it can get expensive. As much as I wanted to skip dining out to save money, I can’t. There’s a lot of new and old restaurants to try, which means there’s also a lot of good food to taste and a lot of good company to have a fun time with.

While entertaining at home is also a good option, many people prefer dining out today when meeting with friends or spending some quality time with their loved ones. It’s must be because it’s more convenient and requires less effort than cooking food and setting up the dining table and cleaning up the mess after. Personally, I do enjoy entertaining at home despite all the hassles, but only during special occasions and when I’m in the mood for laboring in the kitchen (which is seldom).

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Busy Week

It’s Friday already but I’m still feeling very productive at work. You see, we had events left and right. Everyone in the office was busy. But surprisingly, we didn’t feel tired at all. We were energetic and happy despite all the pressure and the deadlines. Just what a positive attitude could do to a person!

Anyway, I’m really glad the work week ends today. It only means I’m having another great weekend. Hopefully, I could finish reading the book I’ve been reading for so long. And cook this dish that has been in my mind since last year. And clean up my closet. And do a lot more things.

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Mobile Games Make Me Sane

Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I’m actually good, sane and all. I just love how the title above sounds. There are just two mobile games that I’m currently addicted to: Candy Crush and 4 Pics 1 Word. I know most of you are already familiar with the two games I mentioned so I won’t explain anymore how they are played.

Candy Crush is all about luck and strategies. Sometimes you’re lucky with the candies given to you, sometimes you’re not. Sometimes you have the best strategies but the board isn’t cooperative enough. Other times, it’s the other way around. I’m currently at Level 345 and for some reason, I don’t have the energy to move to the next level yet so I’m staying put, for now.

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Weekend Report

We were supposed to spend the last weekend just at home with my in-laws. Our Saturday was fun, as usual. I am proud to say that the hubby and I, after finishing a few errands, slept the day away. We really thought we deserved some rest. Haha. We just let Mama and Papa and my SIL do their thing inside our home.

On Sunday, however, all that had to change because the hubby and I, along with my side of the family, got invited to attend the baptismal celebration of my cousin’s baby son. The hubby and I, along with my in-laws, then found ourselves heading back to Manila in the morning, attending the christening at noon and spending the night at my in-laws to prepare for work the next day.

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