On Sibling Fights

As the eldest child in our family, I serve as a role model to my three younger siblings (two girls and one boy). As much as I want to stay calm at all times when dealing with any of them, there are instances when I lose my temper, get mad and become upset. I’m just a human being, after all.

The thing that upsets me the most is when my siblings fight over petty things and end up wanting to hurt each other physically. The eldest that I am, I feel it is my duty to show them what diplomacy means and how it works. It takes a lot of my energy and can be exhausting at times, but it’s the only way to solve any fight, may it be between siblings or not.

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It’s All About Contentment

So far, so good. If you’d ask me how’s my life been going these days, that will be my exact answer. I am just happy that blessings continue to come way and that less problems are popping up in my life.

I have a job that pays well. It may not be so secure, but at least it never fails to teach me to be appreciative of each day in the workplace. There may be other similar jobs out there that pay more, but the satisfaction I get from my job wouldn’t compare with any of them. I just want a fulfilling but stress-free job and the job I have right now definitely fits the bill.

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More Travels, Please

Traveling is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things to do. Not only does it allow you to see new places and meet new people, but it also broadens your perspective on just about everything. Did I mention it’s kind of liberating, too? Whenever I travel, I feel so free. It’s like I can do anything (so long as it’s legal!) without worry.

Traveling is a serious matter for me. I know that once ruined, the memories attached to a travel will be etched in the heart forever. The mistakes committed can never be undone. It’s not like shopping where you could return defective items, say a dress with a missing button or a bumbleride indie stroller without wheels. Traveling is something that has to be taken seriously.

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From Tagaytay and Back

Our Tagaytay weekend was a blast. Short but sweet. Finally, I’ve seen The Cliffhouse and even dined in one of its restaurants, Cafe Platito. Our overnight stay at Las Ventanas was quiet and serene. I loved the complimentary dinner, breakfast and full body massage they gave us. I am definitely writing about my pleasant Las Ventanas Tagaytay experience in my travel blog.

From Las Ventanas, we visited the Pink Sisters Chapel to say a little prayer. And then we headed to Mushroomburger for lunch. We were surprised to see this fast food resto filled with people. Did I mention they serve good-tasting mushroomburgers at very affordable prices?

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Full Body Massage, Anyone?

Part of our overnight stay at a hotel here in Tagaytay is the complimentary one-hour full body massage. The fiancee and I had ours a few hours ago and we enjoyed it a lot. Personally, I just heart massages. If I were rich, I would get a massage twice or thrice a week.

Massages are good for the body and with the fast-faced life we lead, it would certainly make a big difference if we slow down once in a while and relax our tired muscles by getting a a good massage from a good masseur. By the way, the masseurs who gave us complimentary full body massage were really good at what they do. I regretted getting their contact numbers for home service purposes.Continue reading “Full Body Massage, Anyone?”

Joint Birthday Celebration, Individual Birthday Gifts

The fiancee and I were done with our birthday trip. We’re glad it turned out to be so much fun. What made it extra special was the fact that it was our first international travel. Now what comes next, at least for me, is the joint birthday celebration of yours truly, my younger sister N and our dad. He’s celebrating his birthday on the 30th and we plan to just eat out somewhere in Makati along with the fiancee’s family on the same day.

I also want to buy presents for my sister and my dad, but I’m still undecided what to give them. My sister N wants a new phone but I can’t afford that at present. Besides, I’m still gonna pay for her capital share for the try-out business she’s starting with her classmates (school requirement). If she were about to get married, a set of wedding night lingerie would be perfect. But she’s still single and currently has no BF yet so that’s out of the question. Perhaps, some fashionable clothes will do?

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