A Money Saving Challenge

One random weekday, the hubby showed me this link to a blog post sharing about a saving challenge. I immediately got interested and asked the hubby if he wants to do it with me, not individually but more of a joint effort. A day after, I’ve seen the same topic on a blog I follow and my determination grew even more. Fast forward to last January 7th, the hubby and I finally decided to take on the challenge. We started that same day.

Dubbed as the 52-Week Saving Challenge, this unique concept of saving money is pretty simple. Basically, it allows you to save up moolahs gradually but surely. Each week, you keep an amount that accumulates as the weeks progress. The total amount you’ll save gets bigger and bigger in the process. At the end of the challenge, on the 52nd week, that is, you will save as big as P68,900 (Pinoy version, in Philippine peso). Cool, ayt?

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Daddy’s Girl

My father and I are close but we’re not as close as I am with my mom. It must be because I’m a girl and my dad and I have different interests. But that fact didn’t stop me from loving my dad the way I love my mom. For me, he’s a great dad and that’s all that matters.

I have lots of fond memories with my dad. I also know a lot about him because I grew up with my grandfather who had lots of stories to tell about his big family. (My dad has 9 siblings, can you believe it?) As I spent more time with my dad after he stopped working in 1999, I learned more about a man whose life has been dedicated mainly in the service of his family. He’s such a family man with a big heart and with the way he provided for our needs before, we can never ask for anything more from him.

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Lucky Edel

I’ve always been unlucky when it comes to raffle draws and contests especially during Christmas parties. I remember in our office, I’ve only won once or twice in the raffle and those were small prizes only. But as they say, sometimes the universe will conspire to make you a winner. And I believe it because I’ve experienced it very recently.


Just after Christmas, I won in an electronic raffle organized by the owner of one of the blogs I religiously follow. The prize was a lovely neckpiece from an online seller called House of Heirloom. I was so thrilled when I learned of it. I mean, it doesn’t happen every day. Haha.

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Happiness is Everywhere

When you’ve experienced being me, or at least get to experience the tragedies I have experienced in the past (not that they were too many), you’ll find it hard to be happy all the time. You see, I still get sad every time I think about my previous loss but I know I can’t be sad forever.

I know I just need to find reasons to be thankful and happy. I’m glad I always find a lot. I know I’m still very blessed. I know that every day, God gives me enough reasons to live my life happily and without regrets.

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A Delicious Weekend

Last weekend was all about creativity, braveness, and freedom. Hmmm, I’m actually talking about my work at the kitchen as homemaker. The hubby and I just stayed home the entire weekend and didn’t go out, except for when we heard the mass on Sunday morning and did some walking on Sunday night. Since we didn’t have any trip to the supermarket, I had to make do with what was in our pantry. And I think I did pretty well.


On Saturday afternoon, I had some free time and decided to do some baking. I made some pizza and bread from scratch. I enjoyed baking so much that on Sunday morning, I also baked a chocolate cake and paired it with some fresh juice. Of course, we also had the usual rice meals which the hubby can’t live without. The hubby and I didn’t notice we were intentionally stuck in the house for two straight days because we were eating delicious food non-stop. Haha.

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First Event for 2014

At work, our first event for 2014 has just finished. It was attended by diplomats, politicians, businessmen, private citizens and some members of the media. This simple ceremony is held twice a year, January and June. For the one in January, it’s to welcome the new year. For the one in June, it’s to commemorate the Philippine Independence Day.

So yeah, you could find us here in the office organizing this event twice a year. The hardest part about our preparations is getting the answers of the invited guests. While many of them call to confirm their attendance, there are also those who wait for us to call them up or the formal invite to get to their office before deicing if they will attend or not. There are even some who choose to ignore our calls but have the gall to show up come event time.

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