Thank God It’s L!

It’s Friday once again and I so look forward to the coming weekend. So, what’s with the title? I must say it’s a big surprise. L stands for something that has arrived recently and will be in my possession come Sunday. I’m very excited about it!

My week has been good and balance, so far. I’m thankful I got to accomplish quite a lot, both in my day job and in my part-time job. I also got to witness some positive developments in my friends’ lives and I can only be happy for them. Like when I learned about a friend who is expecting her first baby, a friend who’s recently bought a brand new car and another friend who’s leaving abroad to seek for a greener pasture. Blessings in any form are always appreciated and welcomed with a grateful heart.
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Common Mobile Phone Problems

I’m not really a phone person. In my 26 years of existence on earth, I think I have only replaced my mobile phone four times. The first time I owned a phone was during my college years. It was a Nokia 3310. I have been loyal to Nokia since then. If I remember it right, I also became quite friendly with Sony Ericsson. But in my book, Nokia remains the best and the most functional.

My current phone, a Nokia E63, is aging already. Three years is old, isn’t it? It would suddenly hang and shut off for no apparent reason. The battery life is getting shorter and shorter as days go by. The phone has become slow, too. Common sense tells me that it’s served its purpose and is ready to rest anytime. And for good. I know a replacement has to be determined as early as now. How about an iPhone? A blackberry? An htc bell? A samsung galaxy tab? The fiancee is even brainwashing me to go for an iPhone 5! Haha. It’s too expensive for me, though, so that will never be an option.

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On Food and Food Trips

If there’s one thing I love doing the most aside from sleeping, that would be eating. I find joy in eating. I find pleasure in the company of food. I get a sense of freedom just by tasting various dishes. I remember I used to eat a lot when I was growing up. Now that I’m a grown up, I know I can’t eat a lot anymore. My metabolism is slower now which means I gain pounds easily. But that doesn’t stop me from appreciating good food, whether using my own money or thru food treats I get from friends every now and then.

You can say that I also love food trips, too. Travel plus food equals happiness in my book. When I say food trip, the food doesn’t have to be expensive and the trip doesn’t have to be far, either. It could be anywhere, so long as my feet and my tummy can take me there. My two recent memorable food trips (King Chef Fine Dining and Casa Roces), for instance, took place in the metro. When it comes to good food, I’m always ready to go.

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God Wants You to be Happy!

I have always believed that happiness is a choice. No matter how miserable you think you are, you can still choose to be happy. No matter how bad the situation may be, you can always choose to react differently and take things lightly.

The past months, I have observed how God tested my faith. I wished for a lot of things but only gained a handful. Or so I thought. Recently, I have been amazed by the little blessings coming my way. I didn’t recognize them at first. But eventually I realized they were indeed blessings showered upon me by the good and gracious one above.

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Lazy Thursday

My Thursdays are usually productive and fun. Today, though, things seem to be pretty normal. And slow. I have some work to do in the office but it’s not enough to keep me in a busy mode all day. So I tried to jumpstart my day by eating a hearty breakfast courtesy of the food vendors at the side of St. Jude Shrine. They put up a mini market there every Thursday because this day is known to be St. Jude Day and tons of devotees flock to the shrine to worship. Aside from food, they sell other stuff like clothing, porcelains, plastic wares, TV antennas, second hand mobile phones, home cell boosters, plants and even pets!

I had a turon (banana roll), a lumpiang prito (vegetable roll) and some kwek-kwek (a popular street food of quail eggs wrapped individually in an orange-y batter). I also got some mini-baguette sandwiches from the office pantry to complete my meal. I washed down everything with two glasses of water. After that, I opened my PC and started blogging finishing some office tasks.

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New San Miguel Beer Flavors: Apple and Lemon

During dinner one chilly night, the fiancee introduced me to the two new flavors of San Miguel Beer: lemon and apple. I am guessing these are their match to GSM’s Antonov Apple Vodka and Asia Brewery’s Tanduay Ice Alcomix (a new favorite of mine!) that are fairly new in the market.


Between the two, I like the San Miguel Beer Lemon Flavor more. It’s super light and easy to drink. The lemon flavor is just right, too. I like that it doesn’t overpower the distinctive malt flavor of the beer. With just 3% alcohol, this one won’t give anyone a hangover.

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