24 Weeks

I still get very emotional whenever I think about my pregnancy (thank God for a healthy one!), still very grateful that I did get pregnant at the right age and at the right time. To be honest, I didn’t imagine myself infanticipating. I even had this weird thought before that I was infertile and wouldn’t experience this miracle at all. But fate proved me wrong.

I know…I need a better belly picture, but this will have to do for now! 😛

Today, my pregnant belly marks its 24 weeks. Only 16 weeks to go and I’ll be a full-pledged mom, in the truest sense of the word. I want to cry (a good cry!) just thinking about it. I am really thankful to God for blessing me with my own child that I’ll be able to see and touch and love and care for soon.

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Five Months

I’m five months pregnant and life can’t be more exciting for me. Our baby has been more active than ever, making stronger kicks and flutters every now and then. Feeling these movements from our little one never fails to make our day. I don’t even mind getting disturbed from my precious slumber by the baby in the middle of the night, which has been the case lately.

The only pregnancy symptom I’m having these days is heartburn. I manage it by eating small meals or when it has already struck, I would sit up straight to elongate the lining on my esophagus or just let the pain go away on its own (usually takes a few minutes).

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Prenatal Visit

Last Saturday, I went to UST Hospital to visit my Ob-Gyne along with my hubby and my SIL. It was time for my second prenatal check-up. I was worried as usual but it turned out everything was okay with the baby. We just listened to its heartbeat and I got new vitamin prescription and that was it.

We asked the doctor’s opinion as to when the best time would be to get a scan to find out the gender of our baby. She recommended getting one when I’m at 24 weeks already, that would be at least two months from now. We’re very excited to know if we’re having a boy or a girl. If my instincts are right, we’re having a boy. Oh, I wish! I wish!

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