It’s All About Contentment

So far, so good. If you’d ask me how’s my life been going these days, that will be my exact answer. I am just happy that blessings continue to come way and that less problems are popping up in my life.

I have a job that pays well. It may not be so secure, but at least it never fails to teach me to be appreciative of each day in the workplace. There may be other similar jobs out there that pay more, but the satisfaction I get from my job wouldn’t compare with any of them. I just want a fulfilling but stress-free job and the job I have right now definitely fits the bill.

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#001: 10 Things to Be Thankful for Last Week

With the busy life that I lead, I know I tend to forget appreciating the blessings coming my way. I also tend to forget thanking the one above for each and every little grace I receive. Okay, I guess I’m starting to feel guilty now. To appease my inner (and kinder) self, I have decided to blog about the 10 things I should be thankful for last week. Yes, last week and not this week because it isn’t over yet. Last week as the time period to be considered is safer because I can definitely enumerate the things that made me happy in that week, though it’s gonna be in no particular order.

I hope this becomes a weekly thing for this blog. Just like what I’ve been seeing in some other blogs I’ve been blog hopping on. I won’t promise though lest I fail myself. Without further a do, here they are:

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