New Life

Our wedding was a success, and as solemn and meaningful as we wished for it to be…thank God! All the hard work that we put into it paid off. And I can’t thank enough all the people who helped made our dream wedding come true. Just thinking about all of them and their contributions to our wedding can make my tear ducts go on overdrive any moment. Thank you so so very much from the bottom of my heart. You know who you are.

with my loving husband E (photo taken by our good friend Ronelle)

My new life as a wife has just started. I can’t wait for the many challenges, adventures and milestones that I’m going to have. I know it’s not gonna be easy and smooth-sailing all the time, but I’ll see to it to keep the faith and work hard to make things work. This is a blessing from God. I really wished for this to happen and so I’m gonna take good care of this gift.

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Wedding Guest List

If you’ll ask me what’s the hardest part of wedding planning, I’d say it’s finalizing the guest list. That is more true if you are the type of couple with lots and lots of friends. I guess the key here is balance. You have to know if you could accommodate them all or just a handful of them by looking at your resources.

In our case, the determining factor is the venue’s capacity. You see, we only had a particular number of guests in mind and we booked the venue as soon as we could. Our problem now lies in filling that particular number of people with names. Names of our guests, that is. And that’s when putting names in the guest list comes rolling.

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I Need a Wedding Checklist

It looks like I really need my own wedding checklist as my big day comes closer and closer. You know the feeling when you’re overly excited and at the same time you’re having big expectations and only giving yourself very little room for error? That’s what I’m feeling exactly right now. I feel like I’m about to do something big and yet my heart is beating louder and louder due to anxiety and nervousness. Not a nice, great feeling, I tell you. But it’s there, and I can’t help it.

That’s why a wedding checklist has to be made. It will contain all the things that the fiancé and I need to accomplish. I’m just glad and thankful that so far, everything’s been doing good. We just need to make some confirmations and follow-ups and we will be okay. At least, that’s how I see it.

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Life is Good. Period.

I just love it whenever I eventually get what I wished to get and receive what I didn’t expect to receive. Life is really full of surprises, it’s just a matter of positive thinking. I especially love today’s surprise that arrived in the form of cash. Who doesn’t want cash these days, right? I will definitely welcome all blessings that would add a substantial amount to our fast-depleting wedding funds!

Speaking of our upcoming wedding, I’m just so happy that we’ve almost covered everything. We just need to talk with one more supplier and make some follow-ups with the other suppliers and we’re good to go. I’m lucky to have a fiancé who’s very hands-on with our wedding preps. He inspires me to do more for the wedding and give my best in ensuring that our wedding is gonna be unique and special.

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Divisoria Wedding Gowns

The fiancé and I were in Divisoria yesterday celebrating the Chinese New Year together with the maddening crowd canvassing gowns and suits for our upcoming wedding. After checking out several shops, we finally settled on a shop that gave us the best value for our money. I was quite ecstatic because we got a good deal and the price we paid for the whole package was lower than our estimated budget.

Indeed, you can find everything in Divisoria. Aside from it’s custom-made merchandise like the gowns and the suits we ordered, it has a wide variety of items sold by piece or in bulk. My eyes got tired drooling on so many products, from funny shirts and serious outfits (no pun intended) to cheap accessories and unique home decors.

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