Book Review: The Politics of Stupid by Susan Powter

I got this book from BookSale for a very cheap price of P20 during one of my trips there. Susan Powter is an Australian motivational speaker, nutritionist, personal trainer and best-selling author. In “The Politics of Stupid,” she talks about weight loss and how to do it right.

Susan Powter herself on the cover of her own book!

In the book, Powter unabashedly claimed that “dieting doesn’t work.” I think I’ll have to agree with her on that but only if we’re talking about the long term effects. You see, my GM Diet worked because I lost a total of 7 lbs. when I finished the 7-day diet plan. Which made me believe that dieting helps especially if you just want to “jumpstart” your weight loss. But I digress.

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Getting Back My Passion for Reading

Last year, as much as I wanted to read books, I have only read a few and this was mostly during my maternity leave when I got stuck at home doing nothing. I have to admit I missed reading books, the real ones, if I may add. I used to read e-books and in fact, I still do, but there’s something about real books that make them more enjoyable to read.

I dunno but recently, I’ve felt that I wanted to spend my free time (at night and during weekends) reading real books at home. I suddenly missed turning pages, staring at texts, imagining the characters in my head, and feeling the book in my hands as if it was part of my existence. I suddenly missed reading. And now, I feel like acquiring books, though not necessarily new ones because pre-owned books are just as interesting.

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