Mistakes are a part of life.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past, and I continue to make them until the present time. Do I feel bad about it? No, because mistakes are as much a part of life as the air I breathe, the food I eat and the people I meet. That rhymes, huh! Haha.

The good thing about mistakes is that we could learn from them. Each mistake leaves a lesson that could last us a lifetime. Each mistake makes us a stronger or better version of ourselves. Each mistake leads us to new discoveries about things and our perspectives in life.

Making mistakes shouldn’t be done on purpose, though. Because if that would be the case, then it’s already stupidity. Oh and, making the same mistakes all over again means you didn’t learn or you just refuse to. Whatever the reason is, the one making the mistakes is going to be on the losing end.

Have a great Tuesday, people! 🙂

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