Dieting Blues

The past weeks have been quite gloomy for me when it comes to dieting. My weight has been stuck at this particular measurement that not’s worth mentioning. It would change one or two pounds lower one day, but would go back to the old measurement the next day. Bummer. I complained about this to a friend and she said I’m still lucky I don’t gain weight continuously. My weight just changes a little and then goes back, and that’s it.

I had recently devised a plan of going into serious diet mode during the weekends but it didn’t work. I almost always ended up overeating during the weekends. Good for my husband, but bad for me. Or should I say, the plan was bad in the first place? I forgot to consider the fact that weekends are the only time I get to cook, and that whenever I’m cooking, my appetite instantly gets awakened.

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Book Review: The Politics of Stupid by Susan Powter

I got this book from BookSale for a very cheap price of P20 during one of my trips there. Susan Powter is an Australian motivational speaker, nutritionist, personal trainer and best-selling author. In “The Politics of Stupid,” she talks about weight loss and how to do it right.

Susan Powter herself on the cover of her own book!

In the book, Powter unabashedly claimed that “dieting doesn’t work.” I think I’ll have to agree with her on that but only if we’re talking about the long term effects. You see, my GM Diet worked because I lost a total of 7 lbs. when I finished the 7-day diet plan. Which made me believe that dieting helps especially if you just want to “jumpstart” your weight loss. But I digress.

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GM Diet, Day 1

This is the first time I’m following a diet plan and documenting about it. The name is General Motors Diet or simply GM Diet. (Try googling it and you’ll see a lot of sites talking about it, recommendations, reviews, tips and all.) Basically, it’s a 7-day diet plan originally designed for General Motors Corporation employees to stay in shape and has become quite popular over the years. I would find out later, though, that the GM claim isn’t true. It’s actually more of a modified version of the cabbage soup diet. But I digress.

I first found out about the GM Diet from a blog I visited yesterday. Now, what has made me decide to take on this diet challenge? I have several strong reasons:

1. The food required are all healthy and readily available.
2. The diet plan claims to achieve a weight loss ranging from 10 to 17 lbs, if complemented with exercise.
3. It’s also a sort of “detoxifying” diet.
4. I’ve decided to take my weight loss goal more seriously.
5. This is my first try to follow a diet plan. If it ends up a failure, I’ll just charge it to experience. Haha.
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On a Diet, Seriously

I’ve realized weekends make me forget about dieting. You know, when I’m stuck at home and work is temporarily non-existent, all I wanna do is to cook, cook, cook and eat, eat, eat. It makes me forget that I’ve been meaning to lose my pre-pregnancy weight for months now.

bad dieting
photo taken from here

To remind myself about losing weight, I made a monitoring sheet in an Excel file which I now update daily. Yes, daily. So I don’t forget. I stand on top of the weighing scale every weekday morning and get my weight. It’s my way of knowing if I gained or not. So smart, right? Haha.

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How I Lose Weight

Losing weight is a choice, getting fat is optional. That has been my mantra when it comes to managing my weight. Recently, I have come to realize that getting to your ideal weight is a lifetime process. I gain weight and I lose it and the cycle goes on and on.

There is no such thing as the perfect diet or exercise plan. It’s our lifestyle and eating habits that determine how small or big we would be. How I lose weight is no secret. I just decrease my calorie intake and increase my physical activity. I don’t deprive myself of any food (though there was a time I gave up on pork and soda!), I just try to eat everything in moderation.

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Do You Watch What You Eat?

The weighing scale doesn’t lie. I have really gained a lot of weight in the past three months. From 128, I now weigh 138. That’s ten big pounds! My clothes don’t fit me anymore and I have a hard time controlling what goes into my mouth. Do you watch what you eat? Is it really effective to do so especially if you want to lose weight?

I just made a food monitoring sheet of sorts. I want to document what I eat and hope that through this method, I could stop gaining more unwanted pounds. It’s not that I hate my body, it’s just that I don’t think overeating is healthy. Also, I want to lose weight naturally. If I don’t see any improvements in my weight, then I might just get the best fat burners to help me eliminate all my excesses.

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