The Road to Healing

Time. Acceptance. Understanding. Faith. All of these things work together to pave the road to healing for the hubby and me. It’s been three months since we lost our first baby and yet whenever I think of it, it still feels like it just happened yesterday. Oh, sad memories. But I digress.

I’m happy to report that we’re recovering well. We chose to believe everything happens for a reason, that’s it’s not our time yet. We won’t lose hope, for sure. We will continue to dream and work it out. Trying to conceive won’t happen until after at least six months to a year (as advised by my Ob-Gyn), though. But as early as now, I’m already preparing my mind, heart and body for my next pregnancy. I know God will take care of the other and more important preparations.

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The 28th of September

It was a random Friday. The sun was up and the day seemed full of life and vigor. The road to the hospital was busy and one wouldn’t possibly feel any hint of the approaching danger in the air…

The hubby and I got up early to pay a visit to my Ob-Gyne for my prenatal check-up. I was at my 33 weeks of pregnancy then. She was friendly and warm, as usual. She asked how I and the baby were. Casually, I shared with her about the baby’s seemingly lesser movements the past days which I attributed to the limited space in my womb. The baby’s getting bigger, after all.

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32 Weeks

32 weeks down, 8 more weeks to go. I can’t really describe the mixed feelings I have right now. As a first time mom-to-be, being in this situation can be both overwhelming and nerve-wracking. But above and beyond all this, I’m just really happy and grateful. Happy and grateful that God entrusted me this great blessing called a baby.

me at 32 weeks

I’m also glad that our baby is getting bigger, healthier and more active inside my womb. I always look forward to his waking hours when he moves like a very energetic little boy. I, along with the hubby, try to spend more time with him each day. Normally, we bond with the baby during nighttime when he’s almost always awake and ready to mingle with us.

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28 Weeks

I reached my 28th week of gestation last Friday, the 24th of August. Gradually, I’m getting nearer and nearer to d-day and I can no longer hide both my excitement and my fear. It’s my first time, after all. Hopefully, everything will be fine.

obviously, this photo doesn’t show how big my tummy really is at present

My MIL has already advised me to schedule the shopping for baby clothes and accessories next month. She thought it was the best time to do so and she even volunteered to accompany me. My mom wanted to come, too. I can imagine it’s gonna be a fun shopping trip at Divisoria with these two women who know a lot about babies and baby care. Haha.

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5th Month

Today is a special day for the hubby and me. It’s our fifth month as a married couple and we can’t be more grateful to God for the happy state of our marriage. As they say, so far, so good.

happy at 5 months!

One of the things that make our marriage more exciting and meaningful right now is my pregnancy. If you’ve been reading this blog for some time now, you already know I’m currently on the last week of my second trimester (next week will be the start of my third!). The hubby and I are already looking forward to the arrival of our first child and you could easily feel it from the way we act and speak these days.

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24 Weeks

I still get very emotional whenever I think about my pregnancy (thank God for a healthy one!), still very grateful that I did get pregnant at the right age and at the right time. To be honest, I didn’t imagine myself infanticipating. I even had this weird thought before that I was infertile and wouldn’t experience this miracle at all. But fate proved me wrong.

I know…I need a better belly picture, but this will have to do for now! 😛

Today, my pregnant belly marks its 24 weeks. Only 16 weeks to go and I’ll be a full-pledged mom, in the truest sense of the word. I want to cry (a good cry!) just thinking about it. I am really thankful to God for blessing me with my own child that I’ll be able to see and touch and love and care for soon.

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