I have a very important meeting Tuesday next week and I’d like to leave a good impression. I’m doing this by being confident with each word I say and of course, by looking the part. They say that for meetings like the one I’m having next week, I must wear either a pantsuit or a skirtsuit. I’m taking advantage of the Cyber Monday deals to shop for one. But if I were to ask you which is the better choice, is it a pantsuit or a skirtsuit?
A New Car, Baby!
No, it’s not mine but I have every reason to be happy about the boyfriend’s recent purchase of a brand new car. It’s a Nissan Sentra, 2008 model. The color is steel gray and I love how it looks cool on the eyes. Yesterday, the boyfriend picked me up in the office using it. We were both ecstatic. We never thought 2011 will be this comfortable and convenient for us, transportation wise.
our new car with the boyfriend’s mom
Of course, the happiness is felt by the two families (his and mine). It’s gonna be our service vehicle because we share things together and we treat each other as family already. Haha. Now I’m wondering what the next step will be. Oooooops, not what most of you might be thinking right now but we’re going to that part in the near future.
The Joy and Meaning of Shopping
This is not to say that I’m turning into a big time shopaholic. I just want to share with you my shopping habit. While I have long been a frugal person, I also occasionally indulge in shopping either to reward myself for a hard day’s work or simply be happy over a cute but useful purchase. When you’re a disciplined shopper, the joy of shopping will never get replaced by headaches due to overspending or credit card debts that went beyond control.
I shopped twice last weekend and thought I got some great deals. One was in Baclaran and the other was at the Dept. Store of Robinsons Place Manila. I spent 500 bucks on the former and a little over a thousand on the latter. The two unplanned shopping trips made me happy, content and inspired. Yes, I got inspired because my purchases, which include a pair of flat shoes, four pairs of earrings, one ring, one belt, two tops, one dress and one blazer, will serve as part of my investment to achieve my second goal for 2011. When you shop for a purpose, shopping becomes meaningful.
A New Beauty Regimen
It’s been a week since I reunited with a facial product I have used before but discontinued using just because I was too lazy taking care of my face. But the new year has come and so has my drive. I dunno with you but each new year never fails to give me motivation, inspiration and new perspectives. Actually, when new year arrived, I didn’t say any resolutions and instead, I set some goals. Only realistic goals, though. I didn’t want to get disappointed with myself and the world.
Aside from losing weight, I also decided to take care of my skin. I started with my face because I felt it should be prioritized since this is the first to be seen when I deal with various people at home, at work and even online.
My 2010 Christmas Wishlist
It’s that time of the year again when you think of the things you want and wish your friends and family will go out of their way to give them to you as present. Christmas present, to be exact. I’m not fond of wishlists but just for the spirit of the season, lemme try to come up with one.
Online Shopping for Boots
I got my first pair of boots online thru eBay UK. I can still vividly remember how the Customs officers at PhilPost-Lawton tried to charge me exorbitant tax fees as if I were claiming a dozen pairs of footwear. My experience at the post office left me traumatized. I promised myself the next time I purchase something online, I’d choose the door-to-door shipping option.
My boots, on the other hand, lasted only for two months. It was mid-calf and made of synthetic leather. To think I had only used it twice made my trip to the post office more regrettable.