When I got married, I made it clear with the hubby that I wanted to spend Christmas with my side of the family every year. We actually arrived at a setup that suits the both of us — Christmas at my parents’ place in Naic with my family and New Year at our marital home in Bacoor with his. This way, we get to be with our respective families on these two special occasions. And so far, it’s been working greatly for us. Everybody happy.

it’s a yellow Christmas for the Mabalay family!
This year, our Christmas traditions as a family (my side) live on. The hubby and I spent Christmas with my family in Naic. We had a family pictorial using our old DSLR (a Canon 1000D) and when the clock struck 12, we partook of our simple Noche Buena feast. There would have been a mini-concert, too, because we have a microphone and an old folding music stand lying around, but unfortunately, the singers in our house (a.k.a. my younger sister Jodie and my dad) weren’t in the mood for it.
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