Dealing with Busyness

January and June are the two toxic months at my workplace. We normally have big events lined up during these times and so our butts are anything but still. I love my job, alright, but I tend to dread the arrival of January and June every year.

Dealing with busyness is not my forte. I hate cramming and beating deadlines. I remember I used to get freelance work from various sources (e.g. oDesk, freelance contractors, ad networks, blogger friends, etc.) but after some time, I stopped. (I delivered on all my commitments, though, because I firmly believe in professionalism.) I guess I got tired of pressuring myself to earn more money when I value my “me” time so much and I’m more productive working at my own pace.

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There’s a Lot to Improve On

When you’re doing a job for more than a decade already, it’s safe to assume that you’re now at a certain level of competency at it. But then, that’s not always the case. There are some people who never learn. People who remain semi-capable or worse, incapable, of doing their job despite the length of time they’ve been doing the same old tasks. How frustrating can that be for the people who work with them?

As for me, I’m happy to report that I’ve already developed a system when it comes to how I do things at work. But just like what I learned from the 3-day seminar I attended last month, one should never be too complacent. There’s still a lot to improve on in whatever you do. In my line of work, I know there are still some things I’m not adept at and that’s why I continue to work on it. I never stop finding ways on how to do things more efficiently.

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Occasional Tardiness

When is tardiness tolerated and when is it punished? I don’t know the answer to these questions. All I know is that I was late for work today. Ironically though, I didn’t feel guilty or frustrated or anything negative about it. I was fine with it. I’m not always like this when it comes to tardiness. But right now, I just feel okay with it.

But don’t get me wrong, I won’t be late all the time. It just happened today, my first this year. Not a good start, I admit, but I’ll just charge it to experience and make sure it won’t happen every working day. Haha. And from here onwards, I’ll look at tardiness with open mind. No judgment, whatsoever.

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New Tasks at Work

When you are given new tasks at work, it means people view you as a trustworthy and efficient worker. With or without promotion, getting new tasks is a challenge that needs to be faced with open mind and positive attitude.

I’ve recently been given new tasks by our boss and I think I’m managing it quite well. While promotion is a far-fetched idea for me (what with the system we have at work where high positions are limited and the senior workers get the upper hand on them), I took it as an opportunity to show how qualified I am for the job.

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Blame Me Not

When you’re swamped with work and things suddenly get out of control, you solve the problem right away and fix whatever could be fixed. You don’t blame other people for your failure. Why does it have to be somebody else’s fault ALL THE TIME when it’s your job and your responsibility we’re talking about in the first place?

I’m not referring to somebody at my workplace, just to be clear. Haha. I’m just talking about real life scenarios wherein some people forget that they are accountable for their actions. And that every problem has a solution, no matter how big it is. You just have to accept the fact that there is a problem and then do something to solve it.
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The Importance of R.S.V.P.

Part of my work in the office is inviting guests to events. Actually, I just assist the event officer in doing so. We start by sending fax invites and eventually, send formal invites either through courier or our liaison officers.

When the invites have been sent, we call up the guests to ask if they can make it to the event or not. This is when the problem arises. Most of the guests take a long time to respond. Some even don’t respond at all; they’ll just surprise you by showing up during the event proper.

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