Weekend Story: Happy Birthday, Happy Fiesta and Happy Trip to Our Lady of Manaoag

How was your long weekend, friends? Mine was simple, fun and happy. I had a restful Saturday because while the hubby was attending his classes in graduate school, I was stuck at home alternating between sleeping, eating, and reading books. When he got home in the afternoon, I just fed him lunch and then he joined me in procrastinating. Haha.

We spent the long weekend in Manila because my PILs requested so. They wanted the hubby to celebrate his birthday at their place because his birthday coincided with the Feast Day of St. Michael and the Archangels. It doesn’t happen every year; it’s just this year that the feast day fell on October 5th (which is the hubby’s birthday). And since we would be visiting the Shrine of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Manaoag, Pangasinan together with friends by Monday, we thought it was a good idea to just stay in Manila.

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A Money Saving Failure

On the first week of January 2014, the hubby and I have decided to take on a money saving challenge. You may be familiar with it or may have been doing it also. It’s popularly known as the 52-Week Saving Challenge. I am sad to report that we FAILED the challenge.


We only made it until the 18th week (April 30 to May 6, 2014). After that time, we gave up. We accepted our failure and just charged everything to experience. I can’t believe I’m blogging about this just now! I’ve gotten so busy in the past months, you know. (Naghanap pa talaga ako ng excuse!) Haha.

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Birthday Presents for Family Members

The month of October is extra special to me and my family. On this month, we celebrate not just my birthday but the birthday of the hubby, my sister Nyam, my father and my grandfather (+). Add to that the birthdays of my best friend in the province and my good friend from high school.

We’re all going to be a year older and hopefully, wiser as well, this month. Like my mom who has recently been a certified senior citizen (and is super proud of it!), I’m not afraid to tell the world of my age. I’m going to be 31 soon!

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Shopping Fast: September Report

Note: I started my self-imposed shopping ban on January 1, 2014. I made it official online through this post, and called it a “shopping fast.” I also shared there the reasons why I took the challenge and laid down some rules to guide me while on it.

Shopping Fast: January Report
Shopping Fast: February Report
Shopping Fast: March Report
Shopping Fast: April Report
Shopping Fast: May Report
Shopping Fast: June Report
Shopping Fast: July Report
Shopping Fast: August Report

September has started and ended. My shopping fast challenge still stands. Two more months and I’m done with this. Whew!

Continue reading “Shopping Fast: September Report”

Weekend Story: Tagaytay-Nasugbu Road Trip (a.k.a. #PippoDay 2014)

The hubby and I, along with my mom and two sisters, went on a road trip yesterday. It was the 28th of September and we were remembering our little angel Pippo. Destinations were Tagaytay and Nasugbu. We left our Bacoor home at around 8:45am and reached Nasugbu two hours after. We were grateful for the nice weather (alternating between sunny and cool), the fun experience and our safe return back home.


In Nasugbu, we heard the morning mass (11:00am) at the Transfiguration Chapel housed inside Calereuga Retreat Center.

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Pippo, Our Little Angel

Two years ago today, I gave birth to our first baby whom we named Pippo Matthew Mabalay Techo. He’s now an angel in heaven, well cared for by God. I wrote the poem below to reminisce, and at the same time, declare our undying love for our son.

Our Little Angel
By: Edelweiza Mabalay-Techo

God gave you to us, but only for a very short time
Just four sweet hours, baby, and we’ve always wondered why
We still don’t know the reasons, we still don’t want to find out
All we know is that, you were and will always be our biggest blessing.

We never asked for you, but you came into our lives
Life is really full of surprises!
We welcomed you with open arms,
And you filled our hearts with overflowing love.

Continue reading “Pippo, Our Little Angel”